The oldest Moscow Scientific Museum of Natural History founded in 1755 year. Five billion of years of our planet's history are engraved in rock and fossil collections archieved in the oldest Moscow museum. The exposition aquaints with the Earth structure, its geological past, continents and oceans, biosphere, role of a man as a geological agent, and his responsibility for life protection. It demonstrates the links of our planet with the space, evolution of geological spheres and livings, their interaction in geological processes, and proposes an approach to the surrounding world as a single whole, following the ideas of Vladimir Vernadsky.
Exposition WORLD OF MINERALS presents treasures of mineral collections which have been gathering from all over the world for two centuries starting with M. Lomonosov, Demidovs. E. Dashkova (the first President of The Russian Academy of Science) Prince G. Gagarin, Count H. Rumyantzev, academicians V. Vernadsky and A. Fersman (Fersman Mineralogical Museum). Thousands of professional mineralogists, amateurs, collectors and students contributed specimens to: our museum; shows the main physical properties of minerals and theirs systematics; discovers to You the most famous mineral occurrences of Russia, displays the role of Minerals in the Earth's interior structure: reveals the role of minerals in Human culture history.
Address of Museum:11, Mokhovaya, Moscow, 103009, Russia Tel.: (7-095) 203-5387 Fax: (7-095) 203-4798 E-mail: