Ust-Ordynsky Buryatsky Autonomous Okrug is situated in the Baikal region. The area of Ust-Ordynsky Buryatsky AO is 22,4 thousand sq. km. The altitude is more than 1000 meters high. There is the river Angara in the western part of the region. Its largest tributaries are the rivers Osa, Ida and Kuda. In the northeast there are the rivers Manzurka and Kulenga. The most significant and beautiful lake Alyaty in Alarsky district is rich in fish. The most part of the okrug is situated in the forest-steppe. One of the resources of the region is forest (about 1 million hectares). Coniferous breeds (pine, larch, fur-tree, cedar, fir) dominate (80%). The climate is distinctly continental with long cold winters, rare precipitations and rather hot short summers. The mid-annual air temperature is below zero. The regional center is the settlement Ust-Ordynsky. The population of the okrug in total is 143,5 thousand people of more than 70 nationalities. The native people are the Buryats. But besides there live the Ukrainians and the Tatars. Average density of population is 6,4 per 1 sq. km. The population of the administrative centre is 13,3 thousand inhabitants (9,5 % of the population of the autonomous okrug). The population is rural; there are no cities in the region. The basic branch of the economy is agriculture. Approximately the third part of agricultural production of Irkutskaya Oblast is made here. There are establishments of culture in Ust-Ordynsky Buryatsky AO. Among them are the Centre of National Creativity, the State Ensemble of Song and Dance "Steppe tunes", the regional National Library named after M.N.Khangalov, the regional Centre of Art National Crafts, the State National Museum, the Ust-Ordynsky regional branch of the Irkutsk Centre of Preservation of the Historical and Cultural Legacy. There is the Institute of improvement of professional skill of teachers, the Medical School in the settlement Ust-Ordynsky, the Bokhanskoye Pedagogical School, three Agricultural Technical Training Colleges, the Centre of additional education.